As a socially aware corporate, Geetanjali Woollens thinks Green. Our philosophy of eco-friendliness, recycling of wastes and employment generation are the cornerstones of all our endeavors.
We recycle a lot of used sweaters collected from all over the world. These are unusable old clothes which would have otherwise gone into the landfills and depleted our ever decreasing natural resources. With the re-use of recovered materials in manufacturing processes, there is a strong decrease of CO2 emissions compared to the production of virgin materials.
We have also built our own water harvesting pond with a total capacity of 80 million liters to harvest rain water for use in our various processes. This serves nearly 35% of our production needs and reduces our need to draw fresh water from the pipelines. We also own an Effluent treatment plant to treat all the waste water discharged from the production processes to the strictest of international standards.
While we have periodic initiatives to increase our Green Cover. We have planted & nurtured more than 800 trees through our initiatives.